5 Books To Read When You Feel Lonely

Books have their way to heal. Yes, 78% of book readers never fall into depression.
90% of readers are more creative and analytical thinkers.
So, if you don’t have a reading habit this is the best time to start.
Covid or not. Life always goes on at its own pace. There are times when we think everything is getting monotonous.
Thus books take you through a world of secrets and unexpected scenarios.
The very thing about books is that the options are in millions.
There will be no way that you go out of choices.
I have often found myself confused in book shopping. I always go with a list to buy and end up with more.
If you are a first-time reader then start with shorter novellas. The novellas are basic less than a 100-page novel.
You will feel the motivation of finishing a novel faster and the hunger to read the next one will increase.
Then comes the choice of fiction and non-fiction.
This choice depends on our personality and knowledge.
I don’t disregard non-fiction as baseless or only entertaining. I have found much non-fiction with the greatest teaching about life.
Most people who want to start a reading habit get overwhelmed by the drastic choices they have.
So this blog post will make your reading journey hassle-free.
These books are so close to my heart and they have changed me as a person.
The magical power of reading is only experienced when you form a reading habit.
If you are a first-time reader then before reading please remember no book is a bad book. Every book teaches you something. When you read with this perspective you will always find books as the best teacher you can find anywhere in the world.
So check out my list of suggestion and do read them. I would be waiting for your feedback on how you felt after reading these treasures.

  • Life is what you make it by Preeti Shenoy: A soul touching story about a girl’s survival journey with bipolar disorder. Link to read the book.https://amzn.to/2SMuvio
  • Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a long and happy life by Hector Gracia and Frances Miralles: A beautiful book describing the real meaning towards a happy. After reading this book you can prioritise that what matters in life. Link to read the book. https://amzn.to/3wIUB4C
  • How to stop worrying and start Living by Dale Carnage: The book has the wittiest and practical solutions to your silliest worries. Yes, a must read this one. Limited-time deal: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: Time-Tested Methods for Conquering Worry https://www.amazon.in/dp/8175993952/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CZC0ENN8ZAD4M91GX1C4
  • Three Thousand Stitches, Ordinary people and Extraordinary life by Sudha Murthy: An Inspiring story about courage and social work struggle to make a change happen in society. Link to read the book. https://amzn.to/3gNd3ST
  • To kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee: If you are impatient in life and often have anxiety about the future then you must give a try to this gem of books. https://amzn.to/3iWvSpd

Once you finish to come back to this blog and leave a comment about how you felt after reading each book.

Happy reading everyone.

Happy National Reading day.

Follow me instagram @therealinfluencer2020

Now reading is more easy and accessible like music. Try audible to enhance and speed finishing the books you love.


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I’m Anuradha

I am a business management graduate, Life Coach, Career Coach, and content writer who firmly believes that words are empowering. 

I like to write about emotions and empathy. My core belief is to motivate others to become more resilient to the emotional ups and downs in their life. 

I have self-published two books We are all little broken on Amazon Kindle and Falling  Down BlogChatter.

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